Quirky Grandma's Self-Improvement: May 2012

Talking Can Help


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Natural vs. Man Made

Ok, is natural better for us. Maybe. Nature does not have an acceptable loss policy. However, without the ingenuity and creativity of man. We would still be in the dark ages. I do not know a lot about history but I do know that life expectancy is much higher now than it was then.
I do not take medications unless it is dire. I do understand there is a need for many medications. I just choose not to take them myself.

I am for legalizing medical marijuana. As I do not like the feeling of being out of it, I still would not take it. However, there is many people who would benefit from medical marijuana.

Like I said earlier, nature does not have an acceptable loss policy and I have read and seen enough to know that marijuana is better for you than most prescription drugs. As someone who has seen firsthand prescription drug addiction, I know how bad it can be. I also know that I have never seen anyone on just marijuana abuse those around them. Many side effects for legal prescriptions are severe; causing kidney damage, raising blood sugar, to name a few. How is that better than smoking weed, that has the side effect of making someone eat or sleep?

However, I will eat white bread, drink Coca-cola, an addiction of mine,  and yes, I smoke cigarettes. I do know that I need to quit cigarettes and drink less Coca-cola but I do not believe that all man made items are bad and all natural items are good. Man makes many things that are very helpful. As someone who drives a car, cooks in an oven, uses electric washing machine, and blogs on the computer; I happen to like many man made things.

Ingenuity and creativity are the wonderful parts of man. It is greed and corruption that is bad.

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