Quirky Grandma's Self-Improvement: February 2015

Talking Can Help


Saturday, February 28, 2015

Should Facebook Use Its Interface to Prevent Suicide?

I found this article on Bing News. Personally, I am all for anything to help prevent suicide. I believe that the benefits outweigh the negatives here. Sure it could be misused but if it prevents just one person from taking their lives prematurely, it will be worth it.
In 2013, hours before 16-year-old Adrian Alvaresz killed himself during lunchtime in the courtyard of his high school in Texas, he posted a warning on Facebook: "I don't know if this is going to affect people or if ya'll are even going to care but...

Newsweek - Saturday, February 28, 2015

Read the full article at:

What do you think? Is this a good idea or is it an invasion of privacy?

Sent from my Windows Phone


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

5 Harmful Behaviors That Negatively Affect Self Esteem


Self Esteem is one of my biggest problems. My lack of self esteem has impacted my relationships and my professional life. Not believing in myself has led me to severe depression and anxiety issues. Recently. I embarked on a journey to better myself mentally. This has led me to realize that the major cause of my lack of self esteem is my own behavior. Below is a list of the 5 most harmful behaviors that I, and possibly others, have a tendency to do.

1. Thinking Negative
Allowing myself to dwell on negative thoughts has had a serious impact on my self esteem. If a person thinks negative thoughts about themselves, they will eventually start to believe them. In my example, being unemployed and unable to find a job has led me to feeling useless. It is imperative that I turn that negativity around. I have to work hard at thinking in a better tone. I am in the process of finding a better situation for my future and that may take some time.
2. Projecting Thoughts
As I do have a tendency to have negative thoughts, I tend to believe that others have those negative thoughts about me. Rather than trying to communicate with them, I usually assume that they don't like me for some reason. This has affected me socially, at work, and in my personal relationships. This behavior needs to change. It is necessary for me to stop assuming that I know what other people are thinking. I need to try to find a way to not only lessen my own negativity but also, stop projecting it on to others.
3. Allowing Others Opinions to Affect My Thinking
While there are many wonderful and supportive people in my life, I do occasionally have people that say things that hurt my feelings. It could be something that others may not even notice but it could seriously damage my self esteem. I must stop personalizing the negativity of others. I have to find a way to not allow what others say to have such a strong impact on my own thinking.
4. Replaying Conversations In My Head
Often I will lie awake at night, thinking of conversations I have had that day. It never has left me feeling good about myself. I will think not just about what was said but, also, what wasn't spoken. Obviously, I think the worst. I have even stopped talking to wonderful people because of what I believed they meant rather than what they said. I need to stop over analyzing every word, expression, and gesture and just try to take things at face value. Keeping busy is what I think is key in this change. If my mind is busy with other thoughts, I will have less time to reexamine motives.
5. Dwelling On The Past
Nothing good comes from dwelling on old mistakes. I know this. However, it is the hardest habit for me to break. It is over and I can’t change anything. That does not stop me from seeing the fall out of my previous actions and decisions. I know I need to get past them and move on. It is important that I forgive myself for being human as I tend to forgive others.
Now that I recognize these behaviors, it is time to start working on changing them. I have to think more positively about myself and believe others do as well. Also, I need to stop replaying the past in my mind and letting others affect me. Most importantly, I have to accept that I am human. I am not perfect. I have flaws and make mistakes but than so does everyone else. I am quick to forgive others for being human. It is time to forgive myself.

Do you have trouble with self esteem? How do you deal with these issues? Do you have any tips that may help me in my journey to better myself mentally? Please feel free to comment below.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Dealing With Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidal Thoughts

Depression and anxiety are constant struggles for me.
As anyone that knows me, knows that I research everything. However, no matter how depressed I go I never researched how to deal with it until my suicide attempt. I am not 100% sure why this was. There are many resources available out there for dealing with depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.

When I got home from the hospital. I went into research mode. I searched Google and Bing. Then, I looked for some books. I wanted to know everything. I read everything I could get my hands on concerning dealing with these issues. I am sharing some insights that I have found.

Get A New Hobby

If you find that you seem to be stuck in a rut, doing the same thing over and over again. This could in fact, lead to some depression. Over time, you tend to start feeling like there is nothing else for you out there. This is the time for you to actively search for a new hobby. It would be great to find one that you enjoy and can share with others.

For me, I started slow. I took up cross-stitching. Not only does it give me something else to focus on when my mind refuses to shut up but it also, has become a great conversation starter when I am out and about. Also, I can take pride in seeing a project finished. Even if it isn't perfect, it still looks pretty good. In addition, I have been able to make some gifts(Anna for Valentines Day and Mama for Mother's Day) at low cost but filled with love. To me, those are the best gifts to give.

Talk To People

It seems to be so simple but it is one of the hardest steps. Most of us have been raised to keep those thoughts and feeling to ourselves. It is not "cool" or "normal" to talk about feelings. However, I can attest that it works wonderfully. Once I started talking, I started feeling better about myself and the world around me.

I have found many resources that allows me to talk it out. I have joined a therapy group at my local mental health clinic and am thinking of joining another. I find that after group I feel so much better than I did before. It is nice to be able to talk to people and know that they are not judging you.

Another resource that I have found is The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. They have a number that you can call 24/7 (1-800-273-TALK). I have not called it but I have the number in my phone just in case.


Anyone that knows me, knows that I have a problem with taking meds. I can't stand the thought of being on medicines for the rest of my life. However, I have found when I forget to take my Zoloft that I can feel the difference. I am a bit more stressed and start acting like I did before. This has made me realize that I do need to take some medication at this time. I just have to get over the stigma that is associated with taking them.

In Conclusion

I have found that my mental health problems are in fact, a health problem. However, there are ways to deal with these issues. In addition to taking daily medications, I can work on my own self to better deal with the world around me. Communication and staying active is the key in staying at my best both mentally and physically. 

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