Quirky Grandma's Self-Improvement: January 2014

Talking Can Help


Monday, January 27, 2014

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Ok, I love holidays. I scour the web, have several apps, and a calender with the silliest holidays you can think of . However, sometimes there is a holiday that is not so silly. Today, they had their share of silly and fun holidays, chocolate cake day and punch the clock day. However, for this holiday, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, I did not make a picture. For one thing, I don't feel I have that right. I have not been touched by the Holocaust as others have. Also, there is plenty photos out there for people to find.

What I am doing is sharing links that you can check out because I think it is not something we should forget. "Those that forget history, are doomed to repeat it."

International Holocaust Remembrance Day
The Holocaust - History
The Holocaust History

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